School Health Services


Tara Webb-RN ( 479-474-5847

Tresa Kennedy-LPN ( 479-474-5073


What do we do?

The primary role of the School Nurse is to support student learning.  The nurse accomplishes this by implementing strategies that promote student and staff health and safety.  As the health services expert, the School Nurse serves as the health professional for the school community and provides the following services:

  • Illness and injury assessments, interventions and referrals

  • Identification, assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation of student health concerns

  • Pediatric nursing procedures

  • Screening for health factors impacting student education i.e..., Vision and Hearing Screens, Scoliosis Screens, and BMI measurement according to state mandates

  • supervision, management, and education of chronic diseases in the school setting

  • Individualized Nursing Care Plans/Medical Fragilties for indicated students with disabilities and/or health conditions

  • Crisis Team participation

  • Coordination of state and county mandates and reporting guidelines.

  • Medication Administration, supervision and training of paraprofessionals/secretaries

  • Training and in-service staff about health issues


What Services do we provide?

Including but not limited to:

Medicine Distribution is administered according to the guidelines outlined by the School Health Services Program of the Arkansas Department of Education and include:

  • The medication must be in the original container with child’s name on the prescription.

  • The Prescription cannot be altered in any way, i.e... written on.


  • Medication brought to school in a container that is too large for our secure storage container may be placed into a smaller container.  The original label will be removed and placed on the new container.

  • Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of.


HEAD LICE: Our district policy expects that all students will be lice free to attend school.  You will be notified by phone or in writing if lice are found.  Your child may return to school as soon as he/she is free of lice.

MEDICATION: In order for your child to take medication at school it must be brought to the office by a parent or guardian and a permission form signed.  Permission forms are available in the school office and on the school website.  MEDICATION BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY A STUDENT WILL BE CONFISCATED AND WILL NOT BE ADMINISTERED.  Transportation of medications via school buses is strictly prohibited.  All medication must be in the original bottle.  Prescription medications must also be properly labeled with the child’s name, doctor’s name, current date, and dosage.

VISION AND HEARING SCREENINGS are done as required by Arkansas state law.  Parents will be notified in writing if further examination by a doctor is indicated.

SCOLIOSIS (curvature of the spine) screenings are done as required by Arkansas state law.  Students are exempt from this screening only for religious reasons and written notification must be received from a parent prior to screening.

BMI(Body Mass Index)screenings are required by the state of Arkansas and are conducted annually.  Students are exempt from this screening only if written notification from a parent is received prior to screening.  Results are available upon request at the end of each school year.

GROWING UP FILMS are shown to fifth grade boys and girls.  These videos are shown to each gender separately and contain information on hygiene, physical development, puberty, and the feelings associated with this period of their lives.  Notes are sent home prior to the video to obtain parental permission.

FEVER: If your child has an above normal temperature you will be notified to pick him/her up.  In order to minimize the spread of illnesses we ask that your child be free of fever for twenty-four hours before returning to school.

RANDOM DRUG TESTING: All 7th through 12th grade students, students who drive a vehicle to school and/or participate in extracurricular activities including, sports, clubs, and organizations are subject to random drug testing.

IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS as set forth by the Arkansas Department of Health and Education beginning school year 2016-2017:

Each child’s immunization record is checked annually upon entry through the 12th grade to assure it is in keeping with the State Board of Education regulations.  Periodically, statewide changes are made to the immunization requirements, which require additional immunizations.  When this occurs, the Cedarville nurses send out notices to inform parents.

All Students Kindergarten through 12th Grade:
4 DTaP Vaccines, 3 Polio Vaccines, 2 MMR Vaccines,
2 Varicella Vaccines, 3 Hepatitis B Vaccines
In Addition, the following vaccines are required:
1 Hep A:  Enrolling Kindergarten and any First grader who did not get it in Kindergarten.
1 Tdap:  Every student age 11 and older.  
MCV4:  7th grade and age 16 (kids who have already had 1 will have to have a 2nd dose at age 16)
Also, please note that No history of disease will be accepted for Varicella unless documented by MD, DO, PA, APN

Flu Shot Clinics:  In conjunction with the Crawford County Health Implementation Office and according to the guideline set forth by the state, flu shot clinics are held at each school within the school district.  This is on a voluntary basis and written parental permission is required to take part in the this clinic.  

What difference do we make?

School nursing interventions improve student health to impact achievement and success. School nurses collaborate with administrators to promote a healthy, safe and nurturing environment. Parents are confident that their student’s health needs and injuries are appropriately handled during the school day. Teachers are freed up to devote their time to educating students because the School Nurse coordinates the health care needed by students.
It is our goal as School Nurses, to provide the services necessary to promote learning in the school setting. We strive on a daily basis to meet the needs of our students in a professional and timely manner. We believe family is an essential part of good health. Your input is welcome and valued. Please feel free to stop by the nurse’s office to ask questions, voice concerns, share your thoughts or exchange health information. Working together we can make our children the best they can be.





Nurse Emergency Call Form

6th, 8th, & 10th BMI & Scoliosis Letter to Parents/Guardians

2016-2017 Immunization Requirements

Bus Medical Form

Wellness Center Registration Form