Parent and Family Engagement

Cedarville Public Schools are committed to providing a quality education to our students. The support, input and involvement of parents in the academics and activities of their child is recognized as asset to the school.

Cedarville Public Schools Parent and Family Engagement Committee believes parent engagement is an ongoing process and that it should increase active participation, communication and collaboration between parents and schools. It believes that parents, schools, families and communities working together will create meaningful partnerships that lead to gains in student achievement.

The goal of the Parent and Family Engagement Committee is to bridge the gap between parent, school and community and improve relationships between home and school, which empowers families to become proactive in their children’s education on a continuous basis. The program does this by providing information, training and assistance through family/parent education courses, activities and referral services.

Parent-friendly versions of the school plans are located by using the following links:

Elementary Summary

Middle School Summary

High School Summary

link to full versions of all PAFE plans