Before July 15th, a public school district shall report on the website of the public school district or in writing to the parents of each student in the public school district the following information:
1. The dyslexia intervention programs used during the previous school year that were specifically responsive to assisting students with dyslexia:
During the 2023-2024 school year, Cedarville Public School District used the evidenced-based Take Flight and Pre-Flight Dyslexia Intervention Programs in small group intervention to address the deficit areas of students identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.
2. The number of students during the previous school year who received dyslexia intervention:
During the 2023-2024 school year, 54 students attending Cedarville Public School District received dyslexia intervention services from a trained dyslexia interventionist.
3. The total number of students identified with dyslexia during the previous school year:
During the 2023-2024 school year, 66 students attending Cedarville Public School District were identified as exhibiting the characteristics of dyslexia.